The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3178206
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
29-Jun-11 - 06:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
""I would really like to know how you are certain that the over-rep is not linked to negative attitudes to females and repressive marriage practices.""

You need treatment for that selective deafness Keith.

The over rep, as you call it, is purely your own idea. None of your "knowledgeable sources" have commented on it as yet.

When working on statistics you need to be aware of certain basic facts.

Statistics only work if they are based on a sufficiently large, and representative, sample.

In this case you have neither, rendering the conclusion which you have drawn suspect in the extreme.

Your oft repeated "massive over representation" is based upon flawed thinking and flawed mathematics.


""Don, you cut my sentence in half.
That is so deceitful it is tantamount to a lie.

""Don I do now " believe that all male Pakistani Muslims have a culturally implanted tendency" but only because of the testimony of all those knowledgeable people, and always acknowledging that only a tiny minority succumb".

However any reasonable person reads that post, the sense is the same. You are confirming YOUR belief in the concept which I have underlined, and your reasons for that belief are irrelevant. IT IS YOUR BELIEF you are expressing!

then we have the following from you:-

""I do not link offending with culture, because I lack the knowledge.
That is a FACT and not up for discussion.""

Those statements are mutually exclusive, so tell us please which one is the lie?

Finally, please remember that I have a life outside of Mudcat, so if it takes a couple of days to get the answers your attention seeking needs, it is not because I have nothing to say, but because I have, at the time, better things to do than boost your ego.

Don T.