The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3178226
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Jun-11 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"I think it unacceptable to use labelling and name calling in place of argument."
Describing racial steroetyping as racism is neither labelling nor name-calling - it is telling it like it is
Please tell us why claiming "all male Pakistani Muslims" as having "a culturally implanted tendency".... is not racial stereotyping.
"Your post today does not challenge any opinion in any way except to say that it is racist."
The challenges I have made throughout this thread have been repeated over and over and you have ignored them - all that is left to us (and I am not alone here) is to describe them as the are.
"Suppose the cultural explanation were true."
If it were proven beyond doubt it would not be racist, but it would have race implications; that is why it should not be made irresponsibly or maliciously, without proof; no such proof has been offered.
"You are not sure yourself it is not true."
I am not a sociologist so I cannot prove it to be true or false, so I would not dream of making such a claim.
You are not a sociologist and have admitted your ignorance of the subject of this thread, yet you have offered it as your opinion without proof, and as you say, without the knowledge to back your claim up.
It goes against everything I believe about race and culture and everything I have come to believe from reading and from personal experience of the Pakistani people.
Your statement, if taken seriously, would effect every single member of the Pakistani population in Britain, male, female, old, young.. all would be effected if it was thought that every man in their community was culturally a potential paedophile not to be trusted near children.
If it were, as you describe, a cultural trait, then it would have manifested itself throughout every Pakistani community throughout the world, never mind Britain - it has not, therefore I believe it to be the piece of racist nonsense I have always thought it to be.
You have put it forward as your opinion - without proof and without even offering a suggestion why you believe it has not appeared elsewhere - why? (and please don't hide behind the opinions of others, they are not here to make their case, nor are the people, (including those from the ethnic minorites who took offense at the statement)?
"How can non racist people propose a racist opinion?"
If they make racist, unsubstantiated statements, then they are racist - you have made racist statements and failed to substantiate them...... A claim to be non-racist needs to be proved, not just claimed.
Pakistanis in Britain are both the poorest and the most likely to be abused; your atatements can only add to these facts.
Your own attempt to produce a witness, Barnardos has warned of the dangers of making this a racial issue - this time not to the commnity as a whole, but to the victims of abuse, yet you persist in doing so - I ask again, are they not experts enough to have their opinions regarded, or even acknowledged by you.
"Try to discuss this issue without using the word "racist" Jim."
If it's got horns, moos and gives milk, it's probably a cow.
I suggest you address youself to the points raised here by Jon and Don and everybody else on this thread who has put up reasoned and lucid arguments against your claims, and answer them, for yourself if not for the rest of us.
If the forthcoming report backs any claim you have made here it might dent our egos and make us re-think some of our ideas, and I am sure you will take great pleasure in gloating over it, but it will hopefully be the result of serious research and not random and unsubstantiated agenda-driven anecodtal and circumstantial incidents and personal opinions, and will not in any way exuse your behaviour on this thread, which has been to target one specific cultural group - the dangers of which many of your own 'witnesses' have been keen to point out
Jim Carroll