The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3178278
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Jun-11 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Jim, it is preposterous to say that Jasmin Allibhai-Brown is a racist"
It is certainly not preposterous to say Jasmin Allibhai-Brown is capable of making a racist remark but that is not the point - nowhere has she or anybody claimed that "all male Pakistani Muslims" have "a culturally implanted tendency" - except you. You have done so seriously and in the context of attempting to prove a "massive" over-representation in a crime - and it is this which sets you apart from all your 'experts - it is damaging racist stereotyping, and it is your opinion.
Unless you can explain why this 'cultural tendency' hasn't manifested itself throughout the whole of the Pakistani population (1.2 million) you have no case for 'cultural corruption' which is, in fact what you are claiming.
Stop hiding behind others to make your point.
Likewise, nobody but you has claimed a "massive" over-representation, only you, and this is what makes your opinion dishonest and IMO agenda-driven.
"They gave their opinion, and I agreed with them. Why not"
You have taken their opinions out of context and grossly exaggerated them, even to the point of misrepresenting them by removing crucial statements.
In making the remarks you have, you have implicated the whole of the Pakistani population rather than the isolated examples you have provided.
"Why not"
You have embraced their statements where they accord with your own view and dismissed the opinions of others equally qualified, when they do not - when the statements of others become your opinions it is then your responsibilty to defend them rather than "somebody else told me, so they must be true.
"It was you three who stated that to link culture was to claim a "cultural implant"
No it was not - this is a blatent lie.
Don put it forward as a summing up of how he saw your views - you reproducd his summing up and prefixed it with "I now believe" - don't you dare to try and pass it on to us - it is your stated opinion.
"That means an over-rep of over 400%."
Are you really claiming a %400 over-representation of Pakistanis in a population of 1.2 million?
JIm Carroll