The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3178470
Posted By: Sawzaw
29-Jun-11 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Profile of racist bigots:

Subject: RE: Minority Ignorance
From: Bobert - PM
Date: 17 Feb 03 - 05:40 PM

First of all, I do find the term Negro offensive and patronizing.

With that said, I too am concerned about the continued variance on educational and emplyment between blacks and whites.

I believe a national discussion on "race" is long overdue and America very much needs to not dance around *slavery*. Slavery still haunts our society some 140 years after the Emancipation Procamation. We also need to refocus resources that will provide hope to the inner city population, black and white. We are not doing a very good job on the. I remember when the "summer jobs" program was funded somewhat adaqutely and it had a level of success. We also need to spend oney on a PR program that offers some alternatives to the "cool" to be either *less cool* or *more cool* depending of ones defination.

I think that people who feel disenfranchised are not going to walk the extra mile for acceptance. I'm not say that some won't but the most won't.

Unfortuately, we're not going to move on creating a more hopeful society under the current administration. Not that the last one was all that great, but it was way beyond the current administration.


From: Bobert - PM
Date: 20 Feb 05 - 09:12 PM

I don't consider Condi a "token Negro" but very much a "house Negro"

I consider Condi squarely in the "house Negro" category. No racism here [writes himself a pass]... Just fact [another Bobert "fact"]... Condi Rice would be no safer in some of the nieghborhoods I know down in D.C. than Bush, Boss Hog or George Wallace, fir that matter... [does this mean the people in those areas are violent racists?]


From: Bobert - PM
Date: 22 Feb 05 - 08:28 AM

In a world dominiated by *white guys* it's highly unlikely that a person of color will ever rise to power. Whitey [a pejorative] jus' has the deck stacked against that ever occuring. Oh sure, he'll promote lots of folks to the position of "House Negro" but you can be sure that these folks won't get any higher than that position, Condi being Exhibit A...


From: Bobert - PM
Date: 22 Feb 05 - 06:58 PM

First of all, Dougie, I know my way around a dojo, so neither House Negro Condi of House Negro Colin scare me in the slightest. If either or both of 'um make a move toward me you'll be helping them up off the floor.[physical threat] No brag. Just fact.

Secondly, if they were standing right here, right now in front of me, yeah, I'd confront 'um. They are House Negros. Study a little "History of the South". I took it in college. And that was in Richmond, Va., the capitol of the Confederacy. C & C are very much House Negros in that they do the massa's bidding... They are not folks in power but probably less powerful than the average guy on the street since they have both sold out to whitey [a pejorative]...

That's what House Negros do...

Sell out...

Problem I have with Clarence Thomas isn't that he's trying to get along but with whom...

His decisions are not world view decisions... They are, excuse me, "Uncle Tom" decisons... He is, IMO, what was once know as a "Porch (house) Negro"

Well danged, pdc, shes a lot easier on the eyes than the other porch negro, Colin

Princeton wordnet: whitey, honky, honkey, honkie ((slang) offensive names for a White man)

[PM] Sawzaw         BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration (2556* d)         RE: Popular Views: the Obama Administration         07 Jan 09

    Al Qaeda Plays the Malcolm Card
    By Salim Muwakkil

    When media reports emerged that al Qaeda's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, disparaged President-elect Barack Hussein Obama as a "house negro," it angered many in the black community. However, it also struck a chord.

    The Egyptian physician who is reportedly Osama bin Laden's confidant actually used the phrase "house slave," but it was later translated as "house negro."

    Al-Zawahiri said, "You [Obama] represent the direct opposite of honorable black Americans like Malik al-Shabazz or Malcolm X," who "condemned the crimes of the Crusader West against the weak and oppressed, and he declared his support for peoples resisting American occupation."

    The al Qaeda leader said Obama, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice "confirmed" Malcolm X's definition of a "house slave." He was referring to Malcolm X's distinction between slave-era "house Negroes," who lived comfortably in the big house abetting white supremacy, and "field negroes," who toiled in the fields under the whip, plotting resistance.