The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3178511
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Jun-11 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"I am objecting to you making it about me instead of the issues."The "issues" are about the way you refuse to give a straight answer,
And now you have the reason why nobody wants to talk to you Keith - you don't answer questions, you hide behind other people's statements, you squeal victimisation when you are challenged.... everything I said earlier today. Let's see if you can do any better now Tinkerbell is back
Not a joke Mike, though your role of apologist might be described as such.
There are plenty of others saying similar things, and one of your lot proposed she should be stoned - was that a "middle England" joke that I didn't understand?
She even accepted the charge of 'racism' herself after she made a near-the-nuckle statement - j-o-k-e as well, no doubt
I have nothing bad to say about the lady, but it's interesting to see Keith's reaction - or non-reaction - as the case may be.
Jim Carroll