The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138807   Message #3178665
Posted By: josepp
29-Jun-11 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: On Bullshit
Subject: RE: BS: On Bullshit
////While JohninKansas', statement was total Bullshit, because he obviously knows a thing or two about Bullshit and knows that making an off the cuff, non crafted statement like. "The most representative BULLSHIT must be carefully crafted in the manner of a fine novel" is likely to fool someone who is apparently a Bullshit ingenue (even a male ingenue)/////

Why? Because his statement had no regard for the truth. He wasn't lying outright. But he said something to make a case that had nothing to do with what he was saying but to advance his real motivation---to use it as an opportunity to disagree with me. Period. That was all he wanted to do---fuck with me--and that was his true motive hidden behind a non-truthful (as opposed to untruthful) statement that allowed him to advance that motive. See how it works?

////But be appreciated by a larger audience which truly appreciates the skill of a truly accomplished Bullshitter.////

There are no truly accomplished bullshitters. They are alsways easily spotted. We all have a built-in bullshit meter and when someone says something that sets it off, we know it. And all of us have tried to bullshit our way through something and been called on it. I'd be a liar (as opposed to a bullshitter) if I said I didn't. Because I have been called out for bullshitting and I couldn't wiggle out of it though I tried. Why? Because I was bullshitting. You can't explain bullshit because it has no meaning. Otherwise it wouldn't be bullshit.

////Yes josepp. Please keep in mind that, while good Bullshit does involve exaggeration and is not as purposeful as out and out lying, it is designed to fool someone.////

Yes, that was my point. The bullshitter and the liar both are trying to get away with something. The difference is that the liar is purposefully not telling the truth; the bullshitter has no regard for truth or falsehood but is simply laying down a line of shit in order to advance his true motives. There's a significant difference between the two but also significant similarities which is why liars are generally also bullshitters and vice-versa. And why we tend to confuse bullshit and lying.

But lies can be very finely crafted. Bullshit never can. Then how does a bullshitter like Sarah Palin fool people? She doesn't. Her own followers know she is a bullshitter. They follow her because they see her as someone who can advance their agenda. Her bullshit contains elements that resonate with their beliefs but they still know it's bullshit--so they try to change the world around them to match her bullshit. They wouldn't do that if they were fooled by it.