The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9819   Message #3178697
Posted By: GUEST,MystMoonstruck
29-Jun-11 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Captain Buffalo (from 'Sergeant Rutledge'
I need to correct those lyrics after finding the song. I guess I shouldn't have posted before checking them out. I hope I've winnowed out errors:

Have you heard about the soldier in the U.S. Cavalry
Who is built like Lookout Mountain, taller than a redwood tree?
With his iron fist he'll drop an ox with just one mighty blow!
John Henry was a weakling next to Captain Buffalo.

He'll march all night, and he'll march all day,
And he'll wear out a twenty-mule team along the way.
Roll the drum! Roll the drum! Let the bugle blow!
You've never seen a man though like the Captain Buffalo!

With a hoot and holler and a ring-a-dang-do.
Hup-two-three-four! Captain Buffalo!

Said the private to the sergeant, "Tell me, Sergeant, if you can,
Did you ever see a mountain come a-walking like a man?"
Said the sergeant to the private, "You're a rookie, ain't you though?
Or else you'd be a-recognizing Captain Buffalo."

Captain Buffalo! Captain Buffalo!