The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1016   Message #3179
Posted By: Coralena
17-Mar-97 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Sweet Evalina / Sweet Evelina
Subject: Lyr Add: SWEET EVELINA

Way down in the meadow where the lily first blows,
Where the wind from the mountain ne'er ruffles the rose,
Lives fond Evelina, the sweet little dove,
The pride of the valley, the girl that I love.

CHORUS: Sweet Evelina, dear Evelina,
My love for thee shall never, never die.
Dear Evelina, sweet Evelina,
My love for thee shall never, never die.

She's fair as a rose, like a lamb she is meek,
And she never was known to put paint on her cheek.
In the most graceful curls hangs her raven-black hair,
And she never requires perfumery there. CHORUS

Evelina and I, one fine evening in June,
Took a walk all alone by the light of the moon.
The planets all shone, for the heavens were clear,
And I felt round the heart, oh! most mightily queer. CHORUS

Three years have gone by and I've not got a dollar.
Evelina still lives in the green grassy holler.
Although I am fated to marry her never,
I'll love her I'm sure for ever and ever. CHORUS

Now, there is another song I know of that my Daddy sang and he liked to sing it because it tickled us so.

Evalina and I went a fishing one day.
Evalina caught a minnow and I caught a bass.
Evalina fell in the water clean up to herrrrrr
Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies
Evalina fell in the water clean up to her eyes.

We were little and we never heard Daddy say a bad word and of course he wasn't using one but we'd try to catch him at it when he sang the song and his eyes would twinkle because he knew we were trying to catch him. Years later, a bit older, going down the river fishing with Daddy, when I'd get my line caught in a tree I did here a few of those words. :)