The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138841   Message #3179153
Posted By: Ebbie
30-Jun-11 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrifying Dreams/Dreams of Note
Subject: BS: Terrifying Dreams/Dreams of Note
I don't often have scary dreams but early this morning I had an absolutely rivetingly terrifying one.

I am driving in a completely unfamiliar place and this is the road I must take.

The view ahead is of an extremely narrow bridge- and it is a literal mile high over a watery strait. I drive to the restauranat at the entry and get out; I am already so traumatized I can scarcely walk. I feel like lying down and hugging the earth but I must get to the other side of the chasm.

It is a long dream- consisting of swaying and uneven paved walkways and people who commiserate with me but also laugh at my terror, which they call discomfiture.

Eventually I get into my car and call goodbye to my new 'friends' and start over the bridge. I go slow and there is a man walking alongside me with his two little fluffy pekinese on a leash.

Suddenly I realize that somehow I have driven onto a gray slab of pavement that is barely wide enough for my car and it is raised perhaps three feet from the roadway. I am panicked that the slab might narrow more or disappear entirely. I stop. I cannot bear the thought of reversing the car. I want to get out and walk but I have to get to the other side.

A gorilla, his black coat dense and healthy looking, climbs a pylon in front of me and rummages around there. He says, I was just wondering where this water comes from, and everybody laughs.

I wake up, rigid with fear.

Anybody else?