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Thread #136420   Message #3179338
Posted By: Justa Picker
30-Jun-11 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
(My humble opinion only, and as an outsider looking in - being a Canadian) ... Obama needs to do the right and honourable thing for the good of the country and the economy...that being, to make a formal announcement that he will NOT seek re-election of a second term (citing family, and whatever other reasons his spin doctors can come up with). This will pave the way to right a very serious wrong, and a course correction ... that being that Hilary Clinton can be persuaded to accept the nomination, and then subsequently be elected President, as she should have been back in 2008.

If this does not happen, then your country is screwed because the GOP will not work with Obama and his administration, nor are any GOP candidates electable (as the GOP is largely responsible for the entire fiscal mess [sic] depression that is ravaging the entire economy and the country.)

Further ... Obama doesn't even have the support of his own party.
It is an utter and complete mess and the entire government structure is in serious need of a complete overhaul as is the constitution itself. Hilary is the only hope for the American people in the next election, otherwise expect 4 more years of decline, potentially leading to a total default on the debt, a final collapse of the economy and a stock market collapse, the loss of the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency, hyperinflation, skyrocketing interest rates, a grossly devalued dollar, and a further decline in real estate values.

In the meantime the American government continues to lie to their population (to avoid mass rioting, civil unrest and then having to impose martial law) pretending it's all business as ususal, and loathing to admit the country is in a depression (and never recovered from the so-called "great recession") with statistics that are proportionately and comparatively far worse than what was happening during the early 1930's. I would so love to be wrong about all of this...but I'm not. The mainstream media is finally starting to report more on all of this and the writing IS on the wall if one chooses to see.