The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138583   Message #3179485
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Jun-11 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Prayers and Thoughts for Raptor
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers and Thoughts for Raptor
Julie's getting about a week off to attend to much needed stuff at home, so there's been a short hiatus in the updates. However, I hear that several friends have visited David in the last week and he is cheerful, doing well, and improving steadily.

He told me (in fun) that he wants to do one of those late night wacky commercials that one might see on TV where some guy is yelling loudly about some INCREDIBLE product he has to sell for a bargain price...David's product being a "MIRACLE WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM". It's simple: You buy yourself a $30,000 motorcycle, get your license, take it out a couple of times and then drive it full tilt into a brick wall. You WILL lose weight in the weeks that follow. David has proof of this, because he has lost 42 pounds since the accident. The infomercial will require people to send in $20 to David in return for a detailed manual coaching them every step of the way.

He has a pretty bizarre sense of humour... ;-) I wonder how many people would order the manual?