The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138854   Message #3179711
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
01-Jul-11 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011
Subject: BS: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success
The old thread is showing a lot of progress and a great deal of heavy lifting by everyone working on clearing clutter and clearing out extra calories.

mg asked about the box of paper - no, it doesn't need to be full to be recycled, but I wanted to have enough in it that I would feel like I was really dumping something. I'm almost there - I have decided to move one set of papers (that all need to stay together) out of the file and onto a closet shelf, and I think some of the course notes on the shelf can go. They're from classes, they don't really tell me anything about myself, it's not like I'm tossing journal pages. Then the box of old academic articles goes to the bin.

When I said to avoid dairy with antibiotics I was referring to milk, cheese, ice cream, the usual culprits that work against your body healing. I found the mucus level went down and antibiotics worked better without dairy in the diet if we were taking an antibiotic prescription for some reason. Of course yogurt will help, and I also found a good source of acidophilus capsules at the old fashioned drug store where I get a Rx compound made.

Those of you building, my hat's off to you. It's a lot of work, but you get such a charge out of watching something new take shape. And Penny, I've been reading through my beading books again for several weeks - I need to reach a point where I have a surface where I can work that won't be disturbed and where I don't have to always put things away when I stop, but I am planning to get going on the beading finally.

I'm also planning to start on my grandfather's newspaper articles that need to be scanned. I've taught myself how to do it with the best software, and as I've been clearing out my file drawers I've uncovered the packets of articles that need scanning.

Success breeds success - here's hoping we all enjoy our work and have great things to report this month!