The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138854   Message #3180391
Posted By: katlaughing
02-Jul-11 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011
Subject: RE: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011
Dorothy, I hope we get to see some pix of your pots!

Rog did a great job this morning on cutting off that branch from the willow tree. It went more quickly than I thought. I thought he'd have to use a ladder, but I forget he's a lot taller than I and can reach higher. Duh!:-) The neighbour's nanny goat was happy with her first batch of willow. We will feed it to her over the next few days as I've read too much of a good thing is not good for them; better to have variety. She gets banana peels, (not interested in the bananas, but loves the peels)daily, along with lettuce, grapes and other things we have.

I wanted to gather all of my CDs in one place; they've been scattered if I didn't get them in the changer years ago, plus I've taken some of those out to load onto my HD, so they've been scattered and I haven't been able to find favs. Morgan helped me find a few, then he found an old rubber pig piggy bank from when I was a baby which had folded over its tummy, sort of, and needed to be fed. So we loaded it with pennies and have it lying on its face, so the weight of the pennies will make it fill out. I wasn't going to keep it, but he loves it so...there ya go.

We went to the vet for clindamyacin for Trystan. He has to have it periodically for an autoimmune disorder. Then went grocery shopping with Morgan and dropped him off at home after.

Rog went back to the office with me and helped me find a bin of CDs so I *think* I have them all in the LR now, ready for me to go through and load into the HD. There's a load of clothes in the dryer. When I was in the office, I also was able to put a few things away in the closet and add to the giveaway box, so now the big desk I use for beading is fairly orderly and has more open space with the laptop off to one side, kept charged and ready for wherever Morgan, usually, winds up using it. That kid never just sits and uses it; he lounges, wiggles, sits upside down with his legs over the back of the sofa, lies down on his tummy on the floor with it in front of him. He definitely does a better job of learning when allowed to be comfortable and not in a rigid sit-at-the-desk situation.

I took him to the used bookstore, yesterday, where he spent his next week's wages on three books. I am thrilled to say I think it is finally clicking for him. All he wanted to do the rest of the day was read his books, even in the car on the way to the swimming pool and back. And, today when he came over, first thing, he was reading. We are both so pleased that he is finally getting it and that it is finally fun for him! He told me he loves to read and that one day his "mom read two whole books in one day!" I told him that's because she's my kid and they all love to, plus he comes from a long line of readers. He understands how important it is and I am so happy!

Now to tackles those CDs.:-)