The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138796   Message #3180733
Posted By: GUEST,Big Ballad Singer
03-Jul-11 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Created in the image of God
Subject: RE: BS: Created in the image of God
What if God was one of us?

Seriously, I've never understood why people can't just settle for the idea that "God" matters when "God" makes a difference to YOU, not as the cure-all for everyone ELSE'S problems.

Bibles (or Qurans or whatevers), prayer, worship, good deeds... all these things are PRODUCTS of faith, which by definition cannot be defended or explained empirically.

Let the "fact" (so-called) that you or I or ANYTHING is "created in the image of God" motivate YOU to make YOUR decisions a certain way, and you'll never have to worry about that one little piece of the universe being "right with God". You can seize your own little bit of ground for faith and "God" and "truth", and make that one place a bastion of righteousness, but you simply can't enforce belief or ask anyone else to adhere to what is ultimately a unique and individual worldview.

Even people who supposedly share the "same faith" (i.e. fellow Christians or Muslims or whoever) will never experience "God" the exact same way.

The big dichotomy exists between agreeing to the same STATEMENTS or RULES about "God" and actually EXPERIENCING somewhat of the Divine presence. Lots of people can sign a "statement of faith" or what-have-you, but that doesn't make the "facts" about God any more uniform or definable than a speed limit sign and some lines make everyone drive the same way at the same speed all the time.

"Hast thou faith? Have it between thyself and God."