The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138841   Message #3181409
Posted By: Helen
04-Jul-11 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrifying Dreams/Dreams of Note
Subject: RE: BS: Terrifying Dreams/Dreams of Note
Hi Ebbie,

Are you trying to achieve something, solve a problem, reach a life goal, but it seems that everything you try to do gets blocked, even by small obstacles, and when you try to work around each obstacle, something else crops up? And are there people around you who are belittling your goal, or who cannot see (or do not care) why the goal is important to you, and who are certainly not offering any assistance to you, and are laughing at your emotional pain/conflict? The word "discomfiture" is a word which belittles your terror, and your need to get across the bridge.

I'm only asking these questions because I have been hit by similar types of dreams over the last 18 months as I've struggled to achieve a major change in a situation where a group of people have been "throwing their weight around" and have no ethical qualms about it.

I would get stuck in dreams like that and had to fight to get myself to wake up.
