The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128361   Message #3181497
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
04-Jul-11 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: what about Glen Beck?
Subject: RE: BS: what about Glen Beck?
I tried your suggestion Jack, and found it. I've taken the liberty of posting the entire paragraph which contains what you consider to be a 'damning' statement. Well, not so much! Beck is guilty of rambling almost to incoherence, but when you get through it you will find that he is saying that Global Warming (the subject of the piece) activists consider Warming denial the equivalent of Holocaust denial. Beck is being ironic in copping to denying Global Warming. I must say I thought better of you, Jack, but if this is the best you can do, Sayonara.

"Where were all the global warming advertisements, where was all of the global warming stuff during the campaign? Did you notice it just mysteriously disappeared during the campaign? Why is that, do you suppose? Maybe, oh, I don't know, because they know people don't buy into it? That they know it is – I'm sorry. Yes, it's me, the Holocaust denier. Holocaust, what Holocaust? Holocaust schmolocaust. Yes. We know that it's a bunch of bullcrap. How do we know it? Because we've engaged in something I like to call common sense. Just when you get really down and you say, "There's not a single person on Earth that gets it anymore," know that, yes, Americans know the global warming thing is a scam. "When we stop the assault on our Earth, when will we – "gosh darn it, I've been holding the temperature gauge upside – the paper, I had it upside down. I'm sorry. Oh, jeez. Wow, it's actually the coldest year of the decade. I thought it was the warmest there. It's weird how all of Al Gore's spending of several hundred million dollars on a mass campaign of convincing you that global warming is real has resulted in less than 20% of the American people who actually agree with him. Think of this. Think of the propaganda: Less than 20%."