The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138917   Message #3181846
Posted By: Stu
05-Jul-11 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hacking a murdered girl's phone
Subject: BS: Hacking a murdered girl's phone
Cameron's and B.Liar's big buddy Rebekah Brooks (see here for the tip of the iceberg), chief butt-licker and Vader-like hench-woman of execrable Aussie ex-pat Rupert Murdoch has proven that when it comes to being an amoral, feckless and ruthless arsehole she's made of the same stuff as her boss and his offspring. I mean, deleting messages off her phone? That's beyond sick. US readers might want to read this first.

How Milly Dowler's family have suffered at the hands of the establishment (lawyers in court, now these tossers) beggars belief; sure proof if any were still needed that the division between 'us' and 'them' is getting deeper and wider.

Now apparently it seems they might have been up to their tricks with the families of the two girls murdered in Soham. Is anyone still reading this piece of shit paper?

Do the words 'compassion' or 'respect' mean anything anymore?