The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127637   Message #3182654
Posted By: Bobert
06-Jul-11 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Republicans (US)
Subject: RE: BS: The Republicans (US)
Exactly, Don... But here is the kicker... Lots of these right winged bloggers are on payrolls... This is their job... They aren't here for any other reason but to spread Boss Hog's propaganda... They are hired to lie, twist, manipulate and generally spread mythology...

Corporate America sees an opportunity to take the country back to the 1890s in terms of them having their boot heel on the working man's neck and working them until they drop on the widget assembly lines... Corporate America doesn't think workers are like, ahhhh, real people... They are chattel... Like slaves... This is the grand vision of all the Boss Hogs...

What they don't get, perhaps because they have been to busy rigging the deck and stealing people lives and their labor, is history... This current crop of greedy people think that they are better than the ones that came before them... This has never worked... Never... At some point the people say "Fuck you" and go kill off enough of the kids who don't play well with other so that balance is restored...

The rich have had a 50 year run and they are at the end of the line... There really isn't anything more they can squeeze out of the American worker... The American workers wages have been stagnant for 30 years while prices and regressive taxes have gone up...

But to the righties??? They think they can pull off the trifecta and return *US* to the 1890s...

Ain't going to happen...

Like I have said... We are in a pre-revoltion period right now... The organizing of the Tea Party was a desperate attempt to hold off the inevitable and it will in the short term... In the long term it was a bad idea because the Tea Party people will come to realize what we on the left already know and that is that it ain't us on the left that are their problems, it's their masters, the Koch brothers and the Dick Armey's who want to pollute their air, poison their water, raise prices on everything, keep wages stagnant and make their health care unaffordable...

That is the real deal...
