The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68553   Message #3183464
Posted By: katlaughing
07-Jul-11 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: Kat's book, 'WindWords of Wyoming" now an eBook
Subject: RE: Kat's book, 'WindWords of Wyoming"

I am working on releasing this book through Amazon, too, which requires new write-ups for their sales marketing, etc. stuff. I hate trying to write what a publisher would write on the back of a book to get you to read it. I have used some quotes by some dear Mudcatters who have read it, including Art Thieme, JenEllen, and Jean Ritchie, to pull together a "blurb." Would those of you who are so inclined, give me your opinion of it. Would it spark your interest? Thanks a bunch! Here 'tis (rough draft!):

WindWords of Wyoming was written to be dog-eared, have its passages highlighted, and fall open to your favorite page every time.

Written whilst Kat lived in Wyoming, everyday life is re-invented in this collection in a most joyous way: how to let go, how to make peace with both life and death, how much fun it can be just to let Nature be a part of your life.

Reminiscent of Anne Morrow Lindberg's books, Kat makes the colours of the land of the American West as vivid as any reality-based laser photo. In a grand way, she and Lewis and Clark's journals, praise and describe the same special land mass--the American West. They found it when it was pristine---and Kat has beamed her light on the beauty that still remains.

In WindWords of Wyoming, Kat's words sing, and the song is one reflecting a great inner stillness and makes us listeners slow down- stop, and take time for the beauty in small things around us, to appreciate the usual and the ordinary-miracles nonetheless.

My sincere thanks to those mentioned for permission to use their quotes. I hope they do not mind the liberty I took in shortening them up some. Most of the wording is still theirs.:-)
