Get a grip Ebbie, for someone who should know better, you are certainly a naieve uninformed person. Making fun of me, the information I have to impart or my dyslexic way of expressing myself is reflective upon you, not me. Seeing that you rarely if ever have important (non self) things to say, challenging your credibility does not apply to you.
Either listen to Pacifica radio or Read anything by Lester R Brown.
His latest book World on the Edge does have hopeful things we can do to prevent an enviornmental, economic and food collapse, but in the real world there are few who will heed the alternatives, let alone get the warning.
Straight up - I am not prophetizing when it comes to the great food crisis of 2012. There have been food riots worldwide since 2009, but perhaps you did not notice. On the other hand I realize that no one wants the "prophet" to live in thier home town. Folks like you get annoyed when their Pollyanna plans get disturbed.