The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138956   Message #3183545
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
08-Jul-11 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Left-Handism
Subject: RE: BS: Left-Handism
I read a lot of books, too many to remember all their titles and authors.

Anyhow, some book I once read on handedness and the brain said that studies show that people:

1. may use the left hand to do a task one time and use the right hand another time

2. can't predict accurately which hand they will use to do a task.

(I assume that this doesn't include writing.)

As for telling right from left, I once started a thread about dancing and asked how many people, when asked to move their right foot, know instantly which foot is their right. About 30 people answered, I believe, and only one person said they know right away. The rest of us have to think about it.

I remember a dance session where the first thing the teacher hollered was "Locate your right foot!" She understood people.