The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138941   Message #3183548
Posted By: Kent Davis
08-Jul-11 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dust Storm 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Dust Storm 2011
No one, not me, not Ebbie, not Little Hawk, not even Donuel, knows what tomorrow may bring. However, as Ebbie indicated, some expectations for tomorrow are based on sources, and others aren't.

The references below deal only with wheat, not with all crops, and they may turn out to be wrong, but they do tend to argue against Donuel's claim that "...the unprecedented crop failure world wide this year will become more historic than WW 2. Russia India China and even SA are all failing...IF you live in the US you already know that there is no way that this years crop is going to make up for last year's failures."

Record wheat crop expected in India

Good wheat crop expected in U.S. and Russia
