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Thread #138956   Message #3183561
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
08-Jul-11 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Left-Handism
Subject: RE: BS: Left-Handism
I'm right handed & have used my mouse in my left hand since 1994 when I damaged my right hand & arm by computer overuse. Back in the early days of computers in offices many of my colleagues damaged their hands, & one taught me to use mousie in my left to balance use of my hands as I spent most of my day using a financial program that that couldn't use a mouse. My section was understaffed & overworked & one of that tasks that tipped the balance was trying numerous times to correct lines on a one-page 448-line Revenue invoice using arrow down & arrow across to fix the errors! I still remember the sequence - arrow, arrow, arrow down to offending line, arrow across 3 or 4 times to offending column, type in correct figure, enter, arrow down to next line ... Try unsuccessfully to save. Give up for a while & quickly raise lots of 1 or 2 line invoices for clients in the same system.

now where was I?

Trying to use mousie in my left hand was chaotic but I eventually accomplished it & now I can't use it in my right hand.

I solve cutting nails by using a nail clipper!

My sister is left handed & once found a left handed shop & bought some useful stuff. Dunno if it was this one! Check out the pages Links, Left handed writing & Trivia.
One in four Apollo astronauts were left-handed – more than twice the general population.

To open a screw-top jar or bottle, grasp the lid with your left hand and the jar with your right. You will have greater strength due to the stronger muscles used in supination of the forearm (as opposed to the weaker muscles of pronation). It is also sometimes described as the external rotation of the wrist.

Coffin screws are traditionally a left-handed thread.

Bit of trivia not on the site: Japanese kimonos are wrapped left over right - only kimonos used to clothe the dead are wrapped right over left.
