The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138941   Message #3183744
Posted By: Donuel
08-Jul-11 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dust Storm 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Dust Storm 2011
"dry weather in Europe and China and floods in the U.S. eroded prospects for corn, wheat and soybean crops."

was also contained in your link.

What was not included in the India story is that there is very little left of the receded glaciers whose melting contributed to the floods and increase3d harvest in many places downstream.

When the gacier has no more to give other than a single seasons of snow, those earlier bountiful supplies of fresh water will dry up.

I urge people to look at the big picture and not be led by the nose at the first link they see, sponsored by giant corporate maney and interests.

It is said the devil is in the details. It is important to not get lost in the details either.