The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3184045
Posted By: Sawzaw
08-Jul-11 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Dang. Must be them skin head hate the government extreme right wing radical Sovereign Citizens again. Or not?

ASHEVILLE, N.C. -- Police have arrested nearly a dozen people who are accused in a rampage through the downtown area of Asheville on Saturday.
The spree, according to police, included 30 to 40 people dressed in black, wearing face-coverings and carrying hammers that they used to damage businesses and smash car windows just before 11 p.m. Saturday.
Detectives have issued 112 warrants for Damage to Property. The 11 were also charged with a total of 33 felonies, 3 felonies for each suspect. The three felony charges were felony riot, felony conspiracy to riot and felony damaged property
Bond for each suspect was raised to $50,000. Asheville police raised their estimate of total damage to nearly $20,000.

The Asheville Citizen Times was one of several downtown businesses that had a front window smashed. Along with the windows, an automated teller machine was damaged at a bank. Most of the people arrested were from eastern North Carolina or out of state, police said.

With several in the group reportedly yelling unintelligably as they vandalized, those on the rampage walked south on O'Henry Avenue and turned left on Battery Park Avenue. Some walked through the alley beside the Citizen-Times, where several employees of the paper had rushed to ensure the safety of their cars.

The vandals are believed to have ties to an anarchist website associated with the May Day movement, which has become a
day of solidarity for marking worker solidarity and has been seized upon for anticapitalism displays of violence.
"What's most upsetting is that these young college kids are not from Asheville. Why pick on a small town," said Ruth Summers, executive director of Grove Arcade Market Foundation.

The Eye Center on O'Henry Avenue was the first target in a line of destruction.

A rock shattered the front door made of glass.

"I'd like an apology. I'd like them to pay for the damage," said owner Paul Endry.
Nov. 24 in the dead of night, we attacked the Department of Corrections (DOC): Division of Community Corrections on McDowell St. in Asheville, NC.

Six DOC vehicles were disabled. Their tires were slashed and their windows destroyed with glass etching fluid. "Burn the Prisons" and a circled A were scrawled across DOC building's veneer.

This building oversees the administration of probation and forced drug texts. It is one institutional position of the DOC. It is linked to the Prison Industrial Complex, and the police apparatus. We did this as an attack against this institution in particular and the police apparatus in general. We did this as an act of revolutionary solidarity with comrade Eric Oseland, comrade David Japenga, and comrade Alfredo Bonanno, who was recently released from Greek Prison.

In a world dominated by these institutions and saturated by police, we did this to show that we will not be neutralized, and that it is absolutely possible and imperative that we fight these motherfuckers.

Love and solidarity with all prisoners and POWs in social war.
I guaranty that if every law

I guaranty that if every law abiding citizen were to become aggressively non-cooperative that the system would collapse from exhaustion. The social order survives because the American majority hold it together by consent in an orderly cooperative fashion. With 90 % staying in line; going to work, school, consuming, and paying their taxes and obeying all laws EVERYDAY, I'm for certain that even if 100 million people peacefully holding a sign all at the same time saying "end the war" would do absolutely nothing, which just goes to prove my point even further once again.

To say "That mentality sounds just about as fucking stupid and dogmatic as pacifism" is not only disregarding the successful overthrowing of governments through out history but also selling your self short as if the human-race have no hope of pulling them selves out of their situation no matter what course of action they take no matter how hard they try. THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE! To say that it is hopeless is just as good as believing life has no purpose or value, so there for what's the use of doing anything but trolling on anarchist websites to pea in everyones soup.