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Thread #138860   Message #3184048
Posted By: Don Firth
08-Jul-11 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Politics v. the Conspiracy Theory
Subject: RE: BS: US Politics v. the Conspiracy Theory
"'try to do [s]omething themselves' -- such as?"

Well, I can think of two examples right off the bat.

When the Tea Party appeared on the national scene, exhibiting their free-floating anger and general lack of knowledge of American history and were hysterical enough to try to intimidate people by waving firearms around at political rallies, a number of calmer, brighter, and better educated citizens decided that a counterforce of thoughtful, well educated, and well informed people needed to become an important factor in American politics. Although not all that many people have heard of them yet, there are calm discussion groups going on all over the country—in people's living rooms. It's called "The Coffee Party." This coming weekend, I know of two such groups meeting within walking distance of where I live.

A few years back, on Vashon Island near Seattle, a group formed that calls itself "The Backbone Campaign." Their main thrust is to lean heavily on politicians, particularly Democrats, to stick to the progressive principles they sometimes claim to espouse and "grow a backbone, for Pete's sake!!"

Whenever a politician displays a bit of genuine backbone, the Backbone Campaign awards a trophy (it looks like a model of a spinal column) to that individual. I was at the first Backbone Award presentation on Sunday, January 11, 2004, at Seattle's Central Lutheran Church, to Washington State's 7th District Congressional Representative Jim McDermott.

Firtst Backbone Award.

FDR once met with a group of activists who sought his support for bold legislation. He listened to their arguments for some time and then said, "You've convinced me. Now go out and make me do it."

Even in the middle of the Depression, Roosevelt understood that the more effectively people created a sense of urgency and crisis, the easier it would be for him to push for progressive legislation.

So don't just sit there and whine. DO something. Other people are.

Don Firth

P. S. I had great hopes for Barack Obama early on. But sad to say, he has yet to qualify for a Backbone Award.