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Thread #138917   Message #3184057
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
08-Jul-11 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hacking a murdered girl's phone
Subject: RE: BS: Hacking a murdered girl's phone
Notwithstanding their need for cash, I do seriously believe that charities should turn their backs on money earned out of the misery of bereaved and vulnerable families.

Murdoch's methods (and I'm bloody certain that nothing happens in his business empire without his knowledge and consent) are about as dirty as it is possible to imagine.

Freedom of the press does not, and should not, mean freedom to oppress the weak, the vulnerable and the bereaved.

The fact that Murdoch is unaware of that fact makes him, IMNSHO, a person unfit to preside over the operations of any media......INCLUDING BSkyB, and the callous sacrifice of the few innocents on NOTW staff, and the multitude of suppliers to that paper, far from absolving him, merely confirm just how ruthless and uncaring a bastard he really is.

He should now be forced to relinquish ownership of any British Company which is owned or indirectly controlled by News Corporation, and debarred from obtaining any such in the future.

British papers can be sleazy enough without this slimy scum calling the shots.

Don T.