The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138956   Message #3184261
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
09-Jul-11 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Left-Handism
Subject: RE: BS: Left-Handism
gnu - here in Oz all public computers I've seen (in libraries, internet cafes, banks ...) set the mouse on the right side.

All colleagues & friends who I've seen using computers do the same (except for left handers!) My Personal Help Desk always moves mouse to the right when he is working on my computer.

I had a argument with a librarian when I was part of a guided tour of the public library's new computer system (catalogue & internet computers) as every mouse was set on right side of the public info computers & had very short tails so couldn't be moved to the other side of the keyboard. She made a flippant remark when I said I needed to use it in my left hand - so I reminded her that saying left-handers could change their way of working was not appropriate & reminded her of Govt Disability legislation.

Sometime later I noticed the library's computers had longer tails.

Australian info on mouse set up
How to sit at a computer shows mouse on right. See link to 14 tips for avoiding overuse strain - nothing about moving mouse!

I've checked a number of OZ sites & found none that say put mouse on left tho several did say swap hands occasionally)
