The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3184414
Posted By: John P
09-Jul-11 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Sorry, I stopped following this thread a while back. It's gone pretty far from its beginnings. But I just figured out one of the things about the Tea Party that scares me. Two of their darlings are Sarah Palin, a well-known liar, and Michelle Bachman, who I believe is an oath-breaker and traitor. The Tea Party attitudes that are indicated by their lauding of these two people may not be terrorism, but it is finding the worst amongst us and calling them great. It is an attempt to overthrow the Constitution of the United States by trying to overturn the separation of church and state, and the concept of equal treatment before the law. They are traitors -- which in a way brings us back to the terrorist label.