The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138860   Message #3184524
Posted By: Don Firth
09-Jul-11 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Politics v. the Conspiracy Theory
Subject: RE: BS: US Politics v. the Conspiracy Theory
The Bilderberg Group.
The Illuminati.
The Freemasons.
The Rockfellers.
The Rothschilds.
The Catholic Church.
The Elders of the Protocols of Zion.
The Mormons.
The International Bankers.
Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. ad nauseum!

I've heard this stuff all my life. And that list doesn't even scratch the surface of the multiplicity of dark, secret cabals that people have told me are REALLY running things and controlling our lives and the lives of everyone else on the planet.

Flouride in the drinking water was a plot by—take your pick of any group on the list above, or cobble up your own—to soften our brains, turn us into zombies, and make us easy to control. Now that drinking water in many cities has been fluoridated for decades and the only result is that people don't have to go to the dentist as often, NOW we have (steady, now!) chemtrails "crop-dusting" the populace to "soften our brains, turn us into zombies, and make us easy to control."

HEY! Here's a bulletin for you folks who are convinced that we're all helpless dupes, but that most of the world is too zombie-ized and brainwashed to realize it. Here's what's REALLY going on. Did you know that
The fourth Baron de Rothschild, Lord Jacob Rothschild of Great Britain, has been called the 21st Century's "King of Israel." He and other Rothschilds preside over the planet's greatest banking cartel, and Wall Street firms Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citibank, and others bow to Rothschild dictates. Politicians in world capitals, Washington, D.C., London, Paris, and Tokyo grovel before their awesome power.

Rothschild chose a young, half blood "Prince" of Jerusalem, a Communist adept named Barack Obama who won Rothschilds' favor—and was rewarded for his slavish devotion to their sinister Agenda by being raised to global prominence and elevated to the highest seat of superpower government—the White House.
You see, Obama was not born in Hawaii, or Kenya, or Indonesia. He was born in Israel! He's a Jew! And he's a member of the Synagogue of Satan!

Betcha didn't know that, didja!!???

Okay, everybody! Out of the pool!

There is a psychological need in some people to feel that "I'm In on the Real Truth and everybody else is a helpless dupe who won't listen to me and believe what I'm trying to tell them, because they are too brainwashed to grasp the REAL truth, which I know! Because I'm too smart to have been brainwashed!"

But with many, many other people, like, unfortunately some folks here on Mudcat, they vaguely believe in the idea that some group is indeed in total control, and " about it all you want, there is nothing anyone can do about it!"

So why bother?

So they tend to be all talk and no do. They love to piss and moan about what's happening in the world, but they can't be bothered to haul their lazy butts off the couch—or out from behind the computer, and take part in the various efforts of a lot of people—such as the Coffee Party or the Backbone Campaign, or a number of other progressive groups who have had it up to their gills at least as much as the Tea Party people have, and are sufficiently motivate to educate themselves and plan effectively to bring about the kind of society they want.

michaelr, the Coffee Party does a helluva lot more than merely hold discussion groups in living rooms. That's where it starts, but THEN, they get out there and ACT. The thrust of the group is education and civil discourse. A politician may be intimidated by someone shouting and waving a gun, but he or she is going to listen to someone who knows what they are talking about and who presents their case calmly and reasonably.

And the Backbone Campaign doesn't just give out "silly trophies." Among other things, they, like the Coffee Party, educate themselves in the details of the issues, and talk to politicians. Along with this, they engage in demonstrations, which are not shouting contests. They get their points across while, at the same time, being amusing and entertaining. Among other things, they stopped a big corporation from turning Maury Island in Puget sound, a breeding area for salmon, into an industrial zone and completely despoiling the island.

These are only two of a number of activist organizations that I'm acquainted with.

When someone sits back and moans about the Forces of Evil being too powerful and nothing they can do will have any effect, as far as I'm concerned that translates into a combination of gutlessness and "I can't be bothered!"

Don Firth