The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139005   Message #3184878
Posted By: Fred McCormick
10-Jul-11 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Hand Held Scanners. Anyone Use Them?
Subject: Tech: Hand Held Scanners. Anyone Use Them?
I've got rather a large number of big documents which need scanning into my computer. Doing this via my A4 flatbed scanner is the most outsize pain in the butt, and I'm wondering whether the job might be made easier with a hand held scanner. I' thinking of the sort you pass over the text/image by hand, rather than trying to hang on to an enormous book and keep it flat and still with one hand, whilat trying to operate the mouse with the other.

Does anyone have any experience of hand held scanners, and could they tell me how easy they are to use, and what pitfalls to look out for?

Many thanks.