The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139005   Message #3184886
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
10-Jul-11 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Hand Held Scanners. Anyone Use Them?
Subject: RE: Tech: Hand Held Scanners. Anyone Use Them?
My experience dates back to 1990 or thereabouts, before flatbed scanners were affordable. I was doing DTP and needed to get images into the computer. The unit was black and white only and around a 6" wide scan.
To get a good result took practice. You had to move the unit at an even pace or the resulting scan could be either stretched or squashed. It often took a number of attempts before getting a good result.
Don't know what you are thinking of using, or how technology has progressed, but personally I find a flatbed considerably easier and more accurate than the hand held I used to use.