The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139000   Message #3185002
Posted By: gnu
10-Jul-11 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: More on transAtlantic distinctions
Subject: RE: BS: More on transAtlantic distinctions
Well, ya usually don't use tape when ya hump... but I am SURE there's a website for that.

Now, here's a "hump". At my alma mater, in men's residence waaaaayyyy back when they existed, when somebody was a "hump" and said something stupid or did something stupid the cry would go out : "HUMP!" and lads from as far as the call could be heard would race to join in... one after another they would jump on the pile with the "idiot" on the floor on the bottom of the pile. And they would hump up and down. Not in a sexual way, of course. It was in a "you might get your ribs broken for being so stupid way so don't act like an asshole again eh?" kinda way.