The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138886   Message #3185038
Posted By: Chris_S
10-Jul-11 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: Noah's Ark Trap (Nic Jones album)
Subject: RE: Noah's Ark Trap
From Howard "It's an outstanding album, as are Nic's other albums. If you can let any perceived technical shortcomings affect your enjoyment, you're missing the point by a mile."

I can only echo Howard's comments. It's a brilliant album and any hifi issues pale into insignificance when experiencing the wonder of 10,000 Miles and Annachie Gordon. These two are going to fight it out for a place on my desert island list and that is high praise indeed. I wonder if Bonzo actually hears the songs or just listens to the sound his sound system is making?