The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138886   Message #3185717
Posted By: Smokey.
11-Jul-11 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: Noah's Ark Trap (Nic Jones album)
Subject: RE: Noah's Ark Trap
Surreysinger - yes, you are probably right, that makes sense.

These are the British Library entries for 'Devil to a Stranger', although the album title is nowhere to be found. Notice the running order of the tracks and the variation in titles. The first item is most likely the LP (described as 'product') and the rest is, I am convinced, a tape ('recording') possibly with the tracks in the order in which they were recorded, which would account for the last two items being together.

1LP0130271 [no title given] TRANSATLANTIC LTRA 507 - PRODUCT

1LP0130271 1 TRANSATLANTIC - Master Kilby/Somerset - RECORDING

1LP0130271 2 TRANSATLANTIC - Billy Don't You Weep For Me/Anonymous - RECORDING

1LP0130271 3 TRANSATLANTIC - Far From Home/Traditional - RECORDING

1LP0130271 4 TRANSATLANTIC - William Glenn/Traditional - RECORDING

1LP0130271 5 TRANSATLANTIC - Newport Street/English - RECORDING

1LP0130271 6 TRANSATLANTIC - Lochmaben Harper/Traditional - RECORDING

1LP0130271 7 TRANSATLANTIC - Green Mossy Banks Of The Lea/English - RECORDING

1LP0130271 8 TRANSATLANTIC - Lake of Coolfin - RECORDING

1LP0130271 9 TRANSATLANTIC - Little Heathy Hill/Irish - RECORDING

1LP0130271 10 TRANSATLANTIC - Some Say The Devil Is Dead/Irish - RECORDING

1LP0130271 11 TRANSATLANTIC - Singer's Request/Anonymous - RECORDING

1LP0130271 12 TRANSATLANTIC - Singer's Request/Anonymous - RECORDING