The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138956   Message #3185950
Posted By: JohnInKansas
12-Jul-11 - 06:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Left-Handism
Subject: RE: BS: Left-Handism
A few reference sites of Wiki ilk seem to agree that there's no such thing as a left-handed cricket bat, and multiple dealers offering "left handed cricket equipment" don't offer one.

There seems to be an implication that batting left or right is done for purposes of game strategy rather than to suit the handedness of the person using the bat. It is implied that all players should learn how to bat from either side. Most "Lessons on how to bat left handed" seem to start with unintelligible (to me) explanations of why and when you should switch from right to left for certain game situations.

This would imply that there is some sort of assymetry in how the playing field is laid out, or in some difference in preference for how players move left or right.

In circumstance other than cricket, many in the US observe that Brits in general are a bit "off-center" in certain respects, so those of us native to the US would be likely to easily accept that cricket fields (and players?) probably are mostly a bit cock-eyed.
