The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26003   Message #318668
Posted By: Jon Freeman
14-Oct-00 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: Countdown to Llanstock
Subject: RE: Countdown to Llanstock
Still planning on getting there... should arive 8:06pm now... I'm paying the price of trying to burn the candle at both ends and couldn't wake upfor the first train and just fell asleep by the computer and missed the next.

I'm pretty sure that there is a festivial on in Portsmouth, NH this weekend with Louis Killen and others. I hope that those who get there have a great time - would like to be there too (2 places in one time! - wouldn't that be nice).

I will get to Llanstock and will take pictures but I hope to see pictures of the Portsmouth do and thinking of pictures, Jeri, if you read this thread, I want to see some trees and the fantastic colours... maybe next year, I will get a chance to see them first had.
