The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59155   Message #3186962
Posted By: Mark Dowding
13-Jul-11 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lancashire - Short Time (Foster parody)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lancashire - Short Time (Foster parody)
It's a few years down the line but I've found some more verses for this song from an old ballad sheet. The version above from Ballad of the North West makes me think that the writers got the first verse and chorus from Harland and made the other two verses up to suit the story. The source for this version is HERE



Let us pause in life's sorrows and count its many tears,
While we all sup sorrow with the poor;
There's a song that's going to linger forever in our ears,
Oh, short time, come again no more.

It's the song of the factory operatives,
Short time, short time come again no more;
For we can't get our cotton from the old Kentucky shore;
Oh Short time, short time come again no more.

Our wives and our children are pining day by day
Through the wars of America they say;
And we can't get them bread to ease them of their pain
Oh! short time come again no more.

We are not constant beggars whom you have seen before
But poverty drives us from our home;
And we can't procure bread as in the days of yore,
Oh! short time come again no more