The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139085   Message #3187067
Posted By: Lanfranc
13-Jul-11 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: Personal Pages Demise
Subject: RE: Personal Pages Demise
I have removed myself from Facebook, not because I'd been hacked, scumbagged or anything like that. When a female "friend" sought my opinion as to what shoes to purchase, I looked at the other communications on my account and decided that life was too short for such trivia.

So I decided to come back to Mudcat and find this situation. At least the forum is still working.

Good luck, Max and Co, hope you get it sorted out. The Internet as a whole is being dragged down by spam and hacking - I guess it always has been up to a point, but lately it seems worse.

O tempora, O mores!
