The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139085   Message #3187097
Posted By: katlaughing
13-Jul-11 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: Personal Pages Demise
Subject: RE: Personal Pages Demise
It will be most fortunate, imo, if Max doesn't just pull the plug on it all! Several of you have not *listened* to his request or that of other mods, including Mick and myself, to leave it go.

Some of us have been here long enough to remember a certain April Fool's day when we all thought Mudcat was going to be gone for good. We have not forgotten how that felt. It would have been a HUGE loss.

Think about that, please, and let this alone for Max to work on. Just about everything that could be said, HAS been said, sometimes ad infinitum. For once, please just give it a rest..