The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139085   Message #3187163
Posted By: Max
13-Jul-11 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: Personal Pages Demise
Subject: RE: Personal Pages Demise
Working on a longer post for the other thread, but for now...

We've been dealing with Trolls for 15 years. Some very serious cases. With the cooperation of the members that were effected and involved, we managed to work through each one without compromising our (maybe only my) ideals or creating international legal disputes.

We haven't been able to discuss much of what we've been up to in this case for many reasons, one of which were specific technical details of the Troll's techniques, but we've been on this for a very long time.

I am most sorry for the VOLS who had to endure the accusations of incompetence and complacence and the sheer workload of moderation it has caused.

There is a whole lot of technical, sociological, political and legal depth and complexity to this case and this concept. The debates, as in this thread, have such enormous misconceptions that I don't even know where to begin to discuss them.

This has come to a head recently for a couple reasons.

1) I know who it is.
2) He was one of you before he was one of us.
3) An angry mob has formed.
4) We all grow weary.

I'll expound on these points later:

*Mudcat is not for everyone. Some members will be encouraged to retire.
* has to deal with the troll independent of the ideologies
*UK members are 1/4 of the mudcat community. Our standards, philosophies, goals, freedoms, rules, allowances... are for the whole.
*Freedom remains a fundamental principal of

The vols are not at fault here, please direct all criticism, anger, comments, etc at ME.

I am sorry that I will still not be able to share much of what's happening or engage in debate, read all the comments, answer many questions, accept any emails or allow you to discuss it in the forum. This will not be a democratic process.

There is a lot flying around out there and I'm communicating some difficult things to people who don't want to hear it and aren't really listening. If you come to question my ideology, my intent, my sincerity, my loyalty, etc. I encourage you to reach out and ask someone who has met me as to what kind of man I am.

Words on page lack empathy and can take us no farther. I'll take calls as I am able.


This thread will close when I sleep and open again when I wake. Any other threads discussing this matter will be deleted.