I've no problem with Rupe being brought down to size, per se, and it's right that his rapacious empire be regulated. That said, in the interests of balance and true liberal pluralism in our media, a different voice *does* need to be heard as an alternative to the bias of the Beeb/Grauniad axis.
Wrt the BBC, it needs to be constrained to properly-overseen political impartiality (as is mandated in its charter) or be disestablished altogether. What other country (apart from vile dictatorships or theocracies) has a state broadcaster which is funded by a tax imposed under threat of jail for all tv users (even if you never watch the BBC), which with Vatican-like resources unaccountability, is an entrenched extension of one political party and its imperfect creed, which insidiously legislates for same and actively undermines and militates against all alternative points of view?
There must be no news anywhere else in the world at the moment because this hacking affair has had non-stop coverage on the Beeb (down to the Graun journalist who broke the story being the subject of a fulsomely-praiseworthy R4 programme). Could it be that they've been motivated by more than simple social justice? i.e. by defending against an insolent threat to their empire?