The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138886   Message #3187355
Posted By: Howard Jones
14-Jul-11 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: Noah's Ark Trap (Nic Jones album)
Subject: RE: Noah's Ark Trap
I don't want to turn this into yet another Bulmer-bashing thread, but he reason he behaves as he does seems to be a mystery. He is sitting on a catalogue of potentially valuable (and artisticly priceless) classics which presumably he paid good money for, including not only most of Nic's albums but many other seminal recordings. The biggest part of the cost of producing an album is the studio time, the manufacturing is fairly cheap.

Smokey is right, it should be a 'no-brainer'. Bulmer could have made himself, if not a fortune, at least a sizeable profit. By sitting on these assets he has cost himself money, cost the artists money, destroyed his reputation, and kept this music away from later generations. I can only assume his motive is revenge on the folk scene for some slight, real or imagined.