The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138854   Message #3187888
Posted By: katlaughing
14-Jul-11 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011
Subject: RE: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011
I got my newly rebuilt Birks this morning and, so far, I feel LOTS more support and softness at the same time. It's pretty neat. I know I am using muscles in different ways and may be a bit sore for a day or two, but the exercises he taught me two weeks ago have already toned me a bit so it shouldn't be too bad. The swelling in my fingers is going down, too, with the hand therapy and exercises.

Morgan was over, but was a bit bored because I wanted to work around here, so...he did a few things helping me out, then his dad got home early so they could make a b-day cake for my daughter. I went through the paper pile-up on my desk, loaded two cassettes, that have been sitting on my desk for weeks, into my HD and put them away, packaged up a CD and some figurines to send to a friend, and two books are ready, stamped and everything, to go to my son.

I also looked at some of my fav. blogs, yours included SRS, it's got such a nice clean look to it, and tried to find a design I like at WordPress for my WindWords-Second Edition blog, but couldn't decide on one! I did come up with a better name for it, imo: WindWords Rides Again!

I think I will try exercise, tomorrow and then I have a hand therapy session. If Morgan is here for the whole day, I will probably take him to the pool after lunch.