The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68553   Message #3187948
Posted By: Beer
14-Jul-11 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: Kat's book, 'WindWords of Wyoming" now an eBook
Subject: RE: Kat's book, 'WindWords of Wyoming"
Kat, I don't know where the hell I've been but I never noticed this post and I deeply apologize. When I came back a few days ago I seen this thread and told myself that as soon as I can get some time I will get to it. Well I just finished reading every post (77 so far.)and going to all the links that were mentioned.
I would p.m you on a few things but that is not possible right now. I still can't believe that this thread was started back in 2004.
I am a little unclear as to the way of ordering it. I don't have pay/Pal but have master card. Or I could send you a personal check.