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Thread #136495   Message #3187972
Posted By: Ron Davies
14-Jul-11 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
But the problem, Charlie, is that only one side knows what it wants:   Gadhafi's side:   

He is clear:   he wants 1) survival and   2) revenge

But his opponents are all over the map--can't agree on anything.   The NATO countries are all resenting more and more the steady financial drain. But they're still unwilling to venture beyond the straitjacket imposed both by the UN and their own unwillingness to risk civilian suffering.   On top of that they are constantly squabbling with each other.   And Gaddafi is also trying to play them off against the rebels--who are also getting exasperated (for good reason) with NATO's dithering.   All he has to do is delay--since time is on his side.

On top of this, we are coming up to Ramadan.   If this--as is likely-- does result in a ceasefire, it will be very difficult for NATO countries to convince their electorates to start the war up again.

So we wind up with a de facto split between east and west Libya.

Then what happens to the frozen funds?    We have to make sure none of them go to Gaddafi--but if there's a ceasefire and a split, how do you do that?

What I'd like to know above all else:   did Italy follow through on its earlier promise of a line of credit to the rebels--or did Berlusconi's recent cold feet scotch that?

It seems likely that no NATO country has come through with a line of credit.   And then the West whines about how the rebels loot captured towns.   How the hell else are they to carry on the campaign?

I have to say, I'm not close to as sanguine as you are about how this is going--or the likely outcome.   Hope I'm wrong.

NATO is trying to make this a cross between a war and a "police action".   That's not the way you win anything.