The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138854   Message #3188567
Posted By: wysiwyg
15-Jul-11 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011
Subject: RE: Declutter & Exercise - Build on Success -July 2011
Really loving PT, wish I'd known I'd qualify, years ago. LOve doing it with a colleague, too-- very rich learnings.

OK today 40 minutes incl some treadmill stairstepping (can't do at other pool, too shallow!), resisting wave action (core strengthening), a bunch of adductor and abductor stuff, hammies' stuff.

Got PT-ist's orders for off days (aquajogging & stretching).... she cut my usual 2-3 hours down to 40 MINUTES!!! And said that no wonder I am tired after lake walking, the way I'd been doing it, in boat wash and all. The plan: Nothing that will limit IADA. Up to me on how hard/how much weight, up to her on reps and sets.

This was followed by usual day-off stuff but we added about an hour of scootering to it. Then this evening another hour, but with Faulkner (and Hardi's bike). And I feel great, came home with energy and whipped the dishes.

Sleeping better too. Last night, a whole night. Nightmares ebbing, just curiosities really with no power to them at all. Might be the bedtime prayers and friends praying. Bigger bedtime snack may have helped as well-- had not been eating near enough.

TBTG, and TBTG too!
