The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139063   Message #3190111
Posted By: Donuel
18-Jul-11 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rupert Murdoch's Stalingrad
Subject: RE: BS: Rupert Murdoch's Stalingrad
The News Corp-se stock has fallen 20% which is about a 6+ billion dollar loss.

I said earlier that a 15% drop would trigger a new chairman would be named.
That has not happened yet but the board has named two people to oversee the department of lieing cheating and stealing to institute new ethics rules. One is named Via Dinn who was (ironicly?) formerlly a co writer of the US Patriot Act. It is clear that FOX has only done simlar things that the Patriot Act does everyday.

Rupert has pleaded not guilty by way of IM SORRY.
He has joined the illustrious and exclusive group of corporations to offer an apology in the last year;
BP (i want my life back)
Japan Nuke Inc (oops)
Goldman Sachs (You were cheated and lied to? we are sorry you feel that way)

The US arm of newscorpse has reported that there is no connection to the UK over stuff that happened a decade ago. (actually between 1 to 9 years ago)

Rupert has moved on from his " Stalingrad " and may soon go to his bunker after his meeting with Parliment.

Which of these stories are true?...

Roger Ailes is vacationing in Rio and is unavailable for comment.

In broad daylight Chicago residents lynch a black man and sell hundreds of pieces of his corpse and thousands of photos.

answer- one of them is true and the other is truthy.