The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139149   Message #3191106
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
19-Jul-11 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Inner Clocks, and the Like
Subject: RE: BS: Inner Clocks, and the Like
I wonder if being closely tuned in to the natural world might help with knowing the time. We pay attention to the movement of the sun, the changing light, shadows, bird songs, etc. We learn over time how these signs fit with the clock time of the worldly.

And then there is my friend who at 5pm will say - oh I thought it was about 1! He has so little sense of "time" he wandered off the other evening and missed the whole show - OH, did all that happen? I was gone that long?

Guess what? Life goes on even when you are not observing it. Time passes.

Then there was the novel, The Timeless Moment, in which everything that had ever happened was happening now on some "plane" or other. IS there any such thing as time or have humans invented it??