The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3191168
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
20-Jul-11 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Don: "Because it's totally irrelevant to the discussion. And I'm sorry to say, the rest of your post is incoherent."

Horse shit! You are avoiding the real issue!

Donuel: "It is a corporate paradise in Tea Party heaven.
$2 or less an hour jobs right here in the good ol US of A.
That is a savings compared to shipping from China."

Hmm Democratic least the unemployment went down!

"In Tea Party HEaven Sates Rights would rule and the only Federal Government is the Dept of Defense, which argualby is a safety program but will be tolerated to satisfy arms dealers."

Isn't that what the Democrats want??

"In Tea Party Heaven, The States would control education and the roads. Checkpoints would be built to keep out outside agitators.
They would make a profit by confiscating forbidden items such as food clothing and large quantites of cash."

Federal funding for an ever expanding government PLUS more government workers....Democrat bliss!

"In Tea Party Heaven you birth certificate might not be accepted if you try to enter Kansas, especailly if you were born in NYC."

"Oh Toto, were not in Kansas anymore," That was a dumb one anyway, Donuel! Who wants to go to Kansas, anyway?

"In Tea Party heaven you are not your brother's keeper. If someone keeps over in front of you it is their responsibility to pull themselves up by their own boot straps. If it happens to be you, Jesus will save you."

No, you'd rather have the state come in and help you, after all, you are 'entitled'!

"In Tea Party Heaven you could elect your own President, since some States are composed of people who are not real Americans."

Obama??? I thought he was a Democrat!

"In Tea Party Heaven if your State has a nuclear weapon facility you will have authority over its use, expecially if you have a general in the DOD from your own State."

In a Democratic state, the State is everywhere doing everything..including telling you what to evident by this post..which has your head turned Don's. He needs to see what THIS administration has done that is IDENTICAL to pre-WWII Germany.....but he has 'redefined' the obvious, just to fit into his squawking points..fed to him by 'Baghdad Bobert'

"In Tea Party Heaven, everyone will get what they deserve by the fruits of their own labor, slave labor, wage slavery or trafficking in illegals."

What illegals??? I thought the Democrats, like Republicans, like bought out globalists don't recognize borders.....except one corporation to another....with the World bank and monetary fund globalists as the 'new' Federal Central government!!!

......and fuck the Tea party TOO!

They come, and they go.....but great music, such as Beethoven, goes on..and on, 'Dingle-berry Don'!

Why aren't you doing great music, instead of this political carousel ride?..going round and around!